Ascendly Capital

Real estate investment firm focused on multifamily residential properties in Texas

Why Ascendly?


We focus on innovative solutions to provide maximum value to our shareholders.  Increasing operational efficiencies or in marketing, we provide creative and proven strategies of delivering value to our partners.

Capital Raising


Asset Management

Property Management

Our Strategy for Delivering Value to Our Partners

Principal Pay Down

As mortgage payments are made, your tenant is paying down your mortgage and increasing your equity.

Tax Advantages

Depreciation offsets your profit for near tax-free income and may even reduce your tax burden on other income.

Market Appreciation

Property values increase over time as replacement costs, building materials and land get more expensive.


With proper leverage, every $1 in equity yields $3-5 in borrowing power which multiplies your returns over time.

Cash Flow

Cash flow is spendable money in your pocket every quarter. It’s a property’s income minus expenses.

Equity Capture

Equity capture is when you purchase a property for less than it is worth. Your wealth grows on the day of closing.

